August 2020
Renowned Advisors build alliance
Alexander Müller and Bernhard Glaninger founded joint Board Advisory in Germany und Switzerland.
Two former Partnes of a global search-network, Alexander Müller and Bernhard Glaninger, have founded a common Board Advisory, with the novum of an integrated Value-based approach. They stand for Integrity, Confidentiality, Independence, Professionalism and Fairness. The main focuses are Executive Search, Management Coaching/ Audit and Organizational Development.
Mr. Müller has been a former Partner and Global Head Practice Group at an international Executive Search Group. He commands more than 20 years experience in international management consulting. Mr. Glaninger has been a Partner at the same Network located in Switzerland and previously a longterm Managing Director and Board-Member at the world largest Aftermarket organization.
They represent one another as „Primus inter pares“ Partner in the respective companies in Switzereland (PRAECLARUS Bernhard Glaninger) and Germany (BOARDTARGET Alexander Müller).
At the same time, they are building an international consultancy which represents the value-based approach of the two founding partners. The organization welcomes new partners who share these values unrestrictedly.
For more Information in Germany, in Switzerland and international.